Brightsparks Takes Part in #OddSocksDay!


Members of the Brightsparks team donned their Odd Socks today to raise awareness for Anti Bullying Week.


Anti-bullying week kicks off on Monday 16th - Friday 20th November 2020 with Odd Socks Day. The odd socks are to show each person's uniqueness whilst also promoting a healthy community spirit to empower us all to come together to tackle a sadly common challenge.

No parent likes to think about their child being bullied or being a bully but research by The Anti Bullying Alliance shows more than half of all children have experienced bullying - either as a perpetrator, victim or witness. If someone you know is being affected by bullying, there is support available.

With years of experience working with families, Brightsparks understands the effects bullying can have on not just children but adults too. Bullying has a long lasting effect on those who experience it or witness it but if we all play our part in coming together, we can raise awareness and play a part in tackling this all too common problem.

There is much available to help you via The Anti Bullying Alliance if you are a parent, teacher/school, carer, including : school tools; a toolkit for parents and carers; online support with sign up; social media; and even buying merchandise to support the campaign. School resources are also available. Last year 75% of schools in the country took part, reaching well over 7 million young people.

You can share your Odd Socks Photo online using the hashtags #OddSocksDay and #AntiBullyingWeek

This blog post was written by Tamsin, one of our Brightsparks Academy trainees. You can find out more about Brightsparks Academy here.

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