Your Winter Sports Day Starts Here!


As the autumn term is quickly coming to an end, parents may be seeing a lot more of their kid’s faces and hearing a lot more questions like “what can we do” “where can we go” and “I want to do something fun”. We at Brightsparks together have put together some ideas for a fun, safe, indoor Winter Sports Day.

Brightsparks are passionate about promoting healthy minds in children and active days, like this one, help to increase endorphins in the brain. Endorphin is a chemical that boosts your mood which helps prevent and relieve depression. 

Please take extra care when trying these activities in the home!

1.     The Pillowcase Race 

Not much explanation needed for this alternative sack race… just like the days in the school field. Clear some space, pillowcase up and let’s start the race.


2.     Egg and Spoon Race 

Well is there anything I really need to say about this? Apart from maybe getting the towels at the ready… This egg and spoon race has become increasingly more dangerous (messy) now we’ve brought real eggs into the equation!


3.     The Living Room Games

Have a think back to your tried and tested field obstacle courses, now It’s time to get inventive! Your pillows are now a hurdle, a duvet, a rug or blanket, a big heavy rope to army crawl underneath and your sofa, that’s now a massive wall to climb over… These fun-filled living room games have no end to the possibilities. Let the games begin. 


4.     DIY Basketball 

This one is up to you. A balled-up piece of paper can be thrown into absolutely anything. Start big, your bin, a left-over box from a parcel to something as small as a mug or even an egg cup.


5.     Duvet tug of war 

Whip the duvet off the bed. Who’s the strongest team in the household? First one to fall is the losing team!  


6.     DIY Golf

Just like one of our previous games, whatever you can find, turn it on its side – find a ball and off we go. No golf club, no problem – a quick game of footgolf is just as fun. 


7.     Scavenger Hunt 

And to finish off the household games we have a scavenger hunt – hunt whatever you please to round off a fun family day indoors!

This blog post was written by Jo, one of our Brightsparks Academy trainees. You can find out more about Brightsparks Academy here.

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